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tecH rider - usi & mammu
Ideal space needed for performing with audience is about 30m2 for 30-60 pers Load in and set buildup 1 hour
Load out 30 min
- 2 song microphones or headset
- 2 Guitar Cables
- Kantele dir box
- Guitar dir box
- Ukulele dir box
- Water bucket microphone
- Mp3 direct to main board or download / bluetooth JBL speaker + microphone
- One microphone for small instruments as flute and jaw harp if we have headsets
- Two monitors
- One transparent water bucket and access to water to fill the bucket
- We have with us one Neuman S4 microphone, 2 Shure 38 , Kantele, Guitar, Ukulele, Jawharp and Kazoo.

Contact: Usi Riikonen
+358 (0)505414180
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